HTML5 is the way of the future… or nothing will manage to bring down Flash? Hey, but what about Adobe Air? When it comes to Web technologies, everything’s moving so fast, that even programmers/designers can’t keep up with all the new things. Fortunately, there are small things and big things that change on the Web these days, and while not everyone cares about the little things, all those involved in designing and programming websites should care about HTML5. A lot!
HTML5 Reset, today’s topic, is all about offering a base for those HTML5-CSS3 projects, packing together various JS hacks for IE, CSS-reset, as well as a bunch of other goodies that could help you overcome any browser compatibility issues that may appear. Next to the basic HTML5 stuff like title, header, footer, HTML5 Reset also contains “conditional comments to call about half a dozen IE-specific CSS files, as well as a couple popular IE-correcting javascript files.”
This package comes in two big versions, Bare Bones and Kitchen Sink. The first one only contains the essentials, while the other one offers a lot of things, so customizing it is usually about removing stuff, instead of adding it. This version is also available in two flavors, without comments and fully commented. I guess this is it for today, and I really hope you’ll find HTML5 Reset to be an easy and pleasant way of getting your week started… Good luck! 😉