
I love Google’s side projects. The fact they allow their employees to work on personal projects at work, then turning some of those projects into serious Google projects is a great idea, and that’s why Microsoft won’t ever come up with something like Android, for example (I know they have Windows Mobile, but… don’t get me started, all right?). In case you were wondering where is this leading, then get ready to meet…

HTML5Rocks, a project bearing the “Made by Google” label that’s being used by the Internet search giant to regularly share various HTML5- and CSS3-related resources, including step by step tutorials and code samples.

A very interesting part of HTML5Rocks is the Code Playground, a Web-based tool that allows you to try new pieces of code and seeing the output instantly, providing shortcuts to JS APIs and HTML/CSS properties. Excellent!

In case you’re still not happy with this, then I think you should take a look at HTML5Studio, an area with “nine demos that show off some fanciful sides of HTML5, CSS3 and friends,” as Google says…

Oh, one more thing: I have no idea if Google’s people involved in this online resource use the company’s time or that percent for personal projects, but HTML5Rocks seems rock solid to me, so that minor detail doesn’t really matter, after all.

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