We all know that most blogging tools and virtually any CMS you can think of include some image posting capability, but creating slideshows/image galleries isn’t something you can easily achieve. Just when I think about my (failed) attempts at adding image galleries to a WordPress blog… I feel like breaking something! Since I am not a violent person, I think best solution would be to find a better way to do that, and ImageFlow is one of the right tools for our purpose.
ImageFlow looks so right, that I think there can’t be much of a story about it here, today. This is a picture gallery allowing intuitive image handling and… it just works!
If you look at the image above and the name of this piece of code, everything should become clear – ImageFlow uses the notorious Cover Flow technique (think about Safari 4’s history browsing, iTunes, or the iPod Touch), but the good part is that you don’t need Flash to make it works, since this has been made in JavaScript, so it’s platform-independent. Hooooray!
Other than the above… there’s nothing much to say – ImageFlow comes licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License, so you’ll need the author’s permission to place this on a commercial website.
Compatibility: any modern browser with JavaScript enabled should run ImageFlow galleries like a charm, and I can say that I tried it successfully on Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera and Google Chrome; no failures, so…