These days, a lot of people seem to be selling their souls – not to the devil or another imaginary entity – it’s all about crushing your own principles and nothing more. To be honest, I can’t say I know anyone who managed to never break his/her own rules, but at least I know a lot of people who are struggling to avoid that as much as possible. In the end, it’s not always the outcome of the fight that matters, keeping your banner high no matter what is also very important and that’s exactly why I love to discover new online stores showing up here and there during these tough times – some of them will fall, others will take off successfully and, in case you want to get into the business without spending too much, WordPress and Jigoshop can be a great combo to set your new online store in motion!
More than just looking great and offering a bunch of features everyone will enjoy to get, Jigoshop comes for free, but delivers much more than one would expect! The official mumbo-jumbo goes like this: “Jigoshop is an eCommerce plugin for WordPress developed by professionals with years of experience delivering online shops for global brands.” Its rich set of features includes themes and extensions, multilanguage support, advanced reporting capabilities, excellent support forums and documentation, powerful and easy to use orders tracking system, multiple currency and shipping options, even the ability to calculate tax by location, all right out of the box!
Offering support for Moneybookers, PayPal and cheque payments, Jigoshop only requires WordPress (obviously!), MySQL and PHP to be up and running on your server, being available for a quick download right here. Oh, yeah – in case you want to mess with the demo for a while, go here. That’s all, folks! 😉