
When we talked about JoobsBox, a comment suggested that I should take a look at jobberBase, but despite the fact I didn’t keep my promise to check it later that week, I never forgot about it. Even more, yesterday, while I was browsing the Web without any special purpose, I bumped into some site mentioning jobberBase, and I decided to go ahead and take a closer look at it, so here we are…
…checking jobberBase, “the open-source
job board software that helps you set up a jobsite in minutes!”
Well, at least that’s what they say, and I don’t have any proof they’re lying. In fact, you can’t lie with such things, since anyone could download jobberBase and try to have a jobsite up and running in a matter of minutes, right?

If you want to know more about the features you’ll have at your disposal, I think best thing to do is to click here and see jobberBase in action! Some features that you should find out about before anything else are these: job posting without account, JavaScript badge/widget, locations management, and a bunch of others I am sure you’ll discover by yourselves!

Compatibility: all major browsers, just as expected, but if you encounter any problems, be sure to drop a comment below, maybe we can help them finding and taking out some issues, why not? 😉

  1. September 5, 2009
  2. October 11, 2009

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