
No screenshot today, sorry. I know, ending the week talking about a script without a screenshot seems to be a bit sad, but don’t worry – usually, webpage quiz applications don’t need screenshots, since they are highly customizable, and their looks depend on what you can make of them… or simply on your CSS skills, in most cases! 😉

Today’s little piece of code, jQuizMe, was built with jQuery and uses CSS and, obviously, Javascript. With it, you can easily make true/false, fill in the blank, flash cards or multiple choice (list or options tags) quizzes, but this script is about more than just that, since it also offers animation and language support, as well as a bunch of other goodies that you can discover by yourselves.

If you’re looking for some jQuizMe demos, those are available via the official project page I mentioned earlier, and it’s also good to know that this piece of code is covered by the terms of the MIT License and works well with IE6 and later, Opera, Safari, Chrome and Firefox. That’s all, folks, have a nice weekend! 😉

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