
J… Java… jQuery plugins… oh, it’s sooo laaate… in fact, I think jQuery plugins come in really handy late at night, even for those working on them or with them. After all, it’s not like messing around with Delphi components or some advanced C++ libraries, right? For example, look at jShowOff, pictured below – what can be more straightforward than that? 😉

With just a few minutes of explaining, I am sure that even my mother, who has nothing to do with programming, will understand the official mumbo-jumbo: “jShowOff is a jQuery plugin for creating a rotating content module. It works by creating ‘slides’ from the child elements (eg. li) inside a specified wrapper element (eg. ul) on which .jshowoff() is invoked. It then rotates through the slides, with options for controls, links, and more.”

I don’t know about you, but I am sure some of my friends would rather go with such a plugin added on a WordPress theme they love instead of going for some theme with a rotating content module that’s not as good as it should be. Anyway, there’s much more to do with this jQuery plugin: its output is fully customizable, has a lot of effects, comes under the terms of the GPL License and works with all major browsers. Isn’t this just great? 😉

Oh, yeah – jShowOff‘s official page is this one. That’s all, folks!

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