Less Framework

I am sure you think that Android tablets, the whole iPad madness, these smartphones that get more powerful with each month are great, right? No matter if we’re looking at it from a regular user’s point of view or we take things seriously and use a developer’s perspective, things are looking great for everyone: more ways to access the Internet on the road and have fun with games you couldn’t even dream of a decade ago for the average Joe/Jane, more devices needing for applications to work with… but unfortunately also more headaches when it comes to designing sites that work well on computers using different resolutions and operating systems, phones, iPads, iPhones and so on.

Well, Less Framework just got a new update, bringing its current version number to 3. Good, but what is it, after all? To make a long story short, I think it’s enough said that Less Framework 3 is a cross-device CSS grid system that uses standards-based CSS3 media queries, being fully compatible with all the browsers that really matters and then some, since the list available on its official page is this: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 9, Android phones, and all iOS devices (that’s all iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches). Pretty impressive, if you ask me…

… but in case you don’t want to go through the entire mumbo-jumbo on that site, here’s a little excerpt to get you started: “The idea is to first create a default layout normally, and then additional layouts using inline media queries. Any browsers incompatible with media queries will simply ignore all the additional layouts, and will only use the default one. The additional layouts will inherit any styles given to the default layout, so coding them is a breeze.”

There are no special requirements, just click the link above, do your thing and get your code snippet – it’s just as easy as that! Good luck! 😉

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