
As far as I know, CRM solutions are extremely expensive to deploy and maintain. I know this from a former high school classmate, who has a little IT company in charge of such a product. He only deployed a custom solution to a small company, and he’s doin’ pretty well. Now, this may not be as complex as a customer relationship management system, but I was also sure that live support systems can really put a whole into the budget of any online project…
… and it all got blown away when I found out about LiveZilla! After all, you don’t get live chat, real-time visitor tracking and full webcam support in a live support system for free every day, don’t you think?

While you can use LiveZilla for very low budget projects, this free piece of code also comes with SSL support and the ability to handle a virtually unlimited number of operators.

The full version of the almighty LiveZilla includes a PHP-powered server, a server client admin & a operator client for Windows, as well as the LiveZilla Webclient. While the Windows programs only require at least Internet Explorer 5 Service Pack 2 and Windows 2000/XP, also offering support for Windows 2003 Server and Vista, the PHP server needs at least PHP 4.1.0 to run properly.

The official page also includes four video tutorials, so if you want to find out more about this system, I suggest that you start here. Good luck!

Compatibility: any major browser for your clients, and the OS/PHP environments I mentioned above, on your end

  1. March 6, 2010
  2. May 17, 2011

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