Nifty Corners Cube

Coding stuff can easily replace graphics design work in some cases, and rounding corners is one of those cases. I don’t know about you, but I bumped into some browser-related issues with corners nicely rounded in a Photoshop file that was cut into HTML code with nicely sliced images from the PSD template more than once, and it gets so frustrating, that even once is a few times too many!
Nifty Corners Cube
What to do? CSS comes to save the day, and today’s hero is called Nifty Corners Cube! Basically, the idea is to use Nifty Corner’s CSS powers and obtain rounder corners without using a single image. Sure, some may be great at slicing PSD templates and then spending countless hours to detect browsers and make everything look perfect in IE, Opera, Firefox and the others, but if you can go for something easier… why not?

Nifty Corners Cube reached third version way back in 2006, but I think it’s still something worth checking out, since it comes covered by the terms of the GNU GPL licence, so you can mess with the code as you wish. A lot of info about how to use this piece of code is available on the official page, so I will end this here and hope you’ll find Nifty Corners Cube useful.

Compatibility: all major browsers, and then some, as you probably figured out already


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