phpMyBackup Pro

No matter if your important stuff is located on some server in a datacenter or on your own computer, saving backups to some external device is always a good idea. Same thing is true for your databases, and no matter how reliable your own server/paid hosting service may be, using a tool like phpMyBackupPro can’t be anything else but a very clever move.
According to the official page, “phpMyBackup Pro is a very easy to use, free, web-based MySQL backup application,” and I really hope the app has been programmed really carefully… because the content on that page doesn’t really blow me away – some screenshots are not loading, while the description of the program starts with “Here on the offcial homepage,” but other than that, everything seems to be fine. After all, sometimes it’s not about the packaging, it’s all about the product, right?

phpMyBackup Pro comes covered by the terms of the GPL license and offers excellent backup facilities, such as scheduled tasks and multiple database/server support (only MySQL databases are supported). The backups can be sent to email addresses or remote FTP servers, and you can even download them to be saved on your own computer or some external device.

Having support for multiple languages (10 currently available and more to come in the future), phpMyBackup Pro is a tool that any Web developer should keep close, especially when having to perform maintenance on the sites previously completed.

Compatibility: since we’re talking about a PHP Web-based application, phpMyBackup Pro works well with virtually all browsers you can think of, but if you bump into any kind of trouble, be sure to let us know!

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