Self SEO Speed Checker

Ever wondered how fast is loading a certain website? Sure, sure, you can get a chronograph at hand and do some timed page loading sessions, but why not just type the URL, press a button, and wait for the results to come out, including loading speed and speed/KB?
Self SEO Speed Checker
Self SEO offers a very useful free website speed checker that’s nothing more than a free online service doing exactly what I said before. While some may say that tools offering you all the info you need are the key to success, I also think that tiny ones aiming a single target are also pretty good.

In our case, you can enter up to 10 domain in the input box, one per line, and then press the Check! button. Results come up almost instantly, and for each site you get the size of the homepage, its load time, and the average speed per KB.

At last, you should also scroll down a little to check some website speed up tips – they may be basic things, but it’s always good to get back to the basics, especially since some of the Web designers who started working recently seem to forget about such easy rules like “no whitespaces,” “optimized images” or “no nested tables,” so they should definitely take a look…

Compatibility: Self SEO’s speed checker works with IE, Firefox, Opera, Maxthon… basically any major (or not) browser you may use

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