One of my morning “rituals” includes jumping around the house, having some fruits, and then checking email/news, as well as spending a few peaceful moments enjoying some images, usually professional pictures of fruits/vegetables/remote places. No need to get into detail more than that, but I am sure you’ll agree with me that a site for those who have similar habits would be nice, as long as you have enough images that you can freely use and the right script to display them…
… but if you don’t have any script in mind yet, don’t worry, because that’s the topic I had in mind all along: slideViewer, a lightweight jQuery plugin that got its last update in mid-January 2009. Current version is 1.1, and its purpose is to help you create a
nice image gallery without giving you a headache.
While it doesn’t have more advanced features like automatic image resizing (all images you’ll add must have the same size!) or fancy looking slideshows, slideViewer gets the job done pretty well, allowing you to customize various aspects of the animation and tooltips displayed.
Since there are plenty of code examples and a demo (don’t forget that you need jQuery 1.2.1 and jQuery easing.1.2 to run slideViewer without running into problems) on the official page and my morning “ritual” is already over, I think I’ll stop here, leaving my image gallery watching for another day and move on… 😉
Compatibility: any major browser, as long as JavaScript works properly