
CSS can be mastered pretty easy, at least in theory. Unfortunately for a lot of people, it’s practice that really makes it complicated. Fortunately, there are a lot of online services and standalone applications around that can help you live without even knowing what CSS is, yet use CSS… and Spritebox is exactly one of those services/applications.

The idea behind Spritebox is really simple – you enter the URL of an image, upload it from your computer “the old way” or simply drag and drop it, mark any parts of it/define a class/id name, while rules that contain the background-position are being created automatically. Sweet!

This Web-based application works great with my Opera 11, but it’s also supposed to work like a charm on Firefox, Safari and Chrome. What I really like about Spritebox is the fact that, next to using your mouse like in any other website, you can also control it via keyboard shortcuts and, if that’s not enough, you should also consider that, if you want to create perfect selections, there’s an excellent zoom capability that can be used to help you accomplish this goal. Awesome, but… that’s all, folks! 😉


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