
I am no coder, I have to confess this to you, but that doesn’t mean I never wrote a single line of code. In fact, even these days I sometimes find myself with my hands deep in some WordPress template, manually adding advertising code or tweaking the visuals, and about a decade ago, I even got into some average programming projects (school needs, you know…). Considering these, I would be a fool to deny the fact that syntax highlighting makes working with code much easier, and when talking about code snippets on a site… syntax highlighting is simply priceless!
SyntaxHighlighter is another piece of code standing under the Google Code banner, and covered by the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public license. With it, you can post code snippets online without breaking a sweat, and since this little tool is completely based on JavaScript, it doesn’t really matter what you have on your server, as long as the browser loading the page supports JavaScript, everything should work just fine.

Having multiple languages support, SyntaxHighlighter reached version 2.0 on the 3rd of February, 2009, and everyone should be able to use and deploy it, since all that needs to be done is to copy the files from the package and link them in your templates. With a compressed core library as small as 11kb, and the ability to describe highlighting rules for additional languages, SyntaxHighlighter is a great choice for any developer who wants to share his knowledge with the world and make his code snippets look great.

Compatibility: SyntaxHighlighter works with any JavaScript-capable browser, so if you are using some script blocking plugin in yours, be sure to disable it before calling for help! 😉

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