development Archive


Midnight caught me again without a subject, so I thought how would be a similar situation for a programmer – no inspiration, no ideas, or simply no tool to get things in motion? While I can’t help you with the first two (try your ...Read More

Pencil 1.2

If you think I always look for my topics by browsing similar sites or just rambling all over the Internet, you’re wrong. For example, let’s look at today’s topic – a friend of mine who’s a brilliant Web designer sent me the link, I ...Read More


With DevHub you don’t need to pay a webdeveloper to build your website. Even if you don’t know nothing about website building, with DevHub even your grandpa can build his own website. You can build in a few steps a blog, a webhub, a ...Read More


As you probably don’t know if you don’t know me personally, I’m not much of a coder. Sure, I wrote some code here and then, but those days are long gone. Considering this, I guess it’s obvious why I love so much tools like ...Read More

Privacy Policy Generator

I hate privacy policies nobody gives a damn about, especially when I have to write them. Fortunately, today I found a site that’s nothing but brilliant. Its goal? Pretty straightforward, yet something that’s going to save a lot of people some time, money, or ...Read More


If you are a web developer you need to test your website. For this you will need to install a webserver, PHP, MySQL, etc. You can install them manually, but you will lose a lot of time and is not worth it. It’s not ...Read More

I think today’s the first time I write about something I can’t access, since it seems only a few chosen ones can do that, for now, but I’ll do it anyway, because looks like a really interesting resource for Web developers, at least ...Read More


When it comes to MySQL clients, I would usually go with the standalone Windows programs, but it seems all those I used so far end up causing some problems, sooner or later. Sure, it may be just my bad luck, but all I can ...Read More