MooTools Archive


While this may not be something new at all, it surely ads a new alternative to those programmers looking for a HTML5/Javascript-based library offering all the features of a player… only that you don’t really need Flash, that’s the whole catch! The name of ...Read More


In the long run, I really think that HTML5 may be able to kill Flash. If the iPad continues to gain market share, that would also help (it seems most people don’t care too much about those iPad problems, after all…). Anyway, this is ...Read More


Once you start writing on a blog, you’ll also start adding images to your articles, too. So far, so good, but if we forget about copyright and image optimization issues, there are still some image-related things we should take care of, and having nice ...Read More


Integrating various media files to your website gets more interesting with each day, as the number of noobs surfing the Internet increases. I didn’t say it with a bad intention, it’s just the fact that older people getting to discover the World Wide Web, ...Read More


These days, most sites try to embrace Web 2.0, or at least allow their users to do more than a few years ago, and uploading files is one of these actions. After all, everyone’s bandwidth is at least a few times higher than it ...Read More