PHP Archive


No matter if you already heard about Clipperz or not, I am sure you’ll love this: a free and open source password manager that you can host on your own server(s)! Obviously, we’re talking about Clipperz Community Edition, since Clipperz is, as they nicely ...Read More

FlipBook CMS

Today, I found myself listening to a few ladies talking about kids, books, computers and TV. I am no detective, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and just hear them talk. All of a sudden, I remembered ...Read More


I like to have my music with me almost everywhere. On the other hand, I am not crazy about keeping a server running on my computer to stream my music to various devices. After all, if it can’t handle a microSD memory card, then ...Read More


Wow, I found something that has a name Apple would sue for, yet it’s still on the market! I hope that doesn’t happen anytime soon, because I really love the way “iPhorm” sounds. For example, think about what happened when Microsoft forced Windows Commander ...Read More


Finally, a brand-new CMS! Well, it may be true that ProcessWire already reached version 2.0, but as long as it’s new to me, we’re talking about a brand-new CMS, all right? 😉 According to the official page, ProcessWire was created “to bridge the gap ...Read More

This is no secret, but I never told you about it so far – I am moderating the IT section of a general-purpose forum. Nothing out of this world, just a medium-sized forum reached by a few thousand users daily. Strange enough, even there ...Read More


As you probably don’t know if you don’t know me personally, I’m not much of a coder. Sure, I wrote some code here and then, but those days are long gone. Considering this, I guess it’s obvious why I love so much tools like ...Read More


Facebook here, Facebook there, “like this” all over the Web… “like us on Facebook,” come on!!! I hate this, really! I got a Facebook account long before it became the New Mecca of the Web, but the more it becomes popular, the less I ...Read More


A few years ago, I was seriously considering to build and host a server of my own but, in the meantime, I discovered that my needs could be easily taken care of with only a fraction of the money required for my own server. ...Read More


Yeah… here I am, wasting time looking at some awesome pictures instead of writing about what I should write about. Well, that’s not so bad, after all, since I wasn’t looking at some gallery online, this was a gallery that uses Flogr, today’s topic! ...Read More