PHP Archive


Managing PPC campaigns can be pretty easy or a “headache generator” like never been seen, it all depends on the tools you’re using to get things done. To be honest, I usually go for affiliate programs, but the fact that I didn’t get rich ...Read More


Despite the global economic problems, the Internet continues to grow with each day, and this opens doors to people who are willing to spend some time and money to try starting an online store. Some will succeed, some may fail, but if you do ...Read More


For me, WordPress is pretty easy to use, but I must be a fool to admit that using it and harnessing its power is something as easy as it gets for someone facing its first blogging script. Sometimes, people simply need to share things ...Read More


One of the easiest ways to communicate in these days is to post your thoughts through your blog. Chyrp was designed to be lightweight while retaining functionality. . Chyrp has a great standard theme and robust module engine. You can personalize and modify it ...Read More


If you want to integrate a image gallery into your personal website or a small company website, you can easily use a free image gallery website system. One of the best image gallery website system I have ever seen is Moa. Moa is written ...Read More


When we talked about JoobsBox, a comment suggested that I should take a look at jobberBase, but despite the fact I didn’t keep my promise to check it later that week, I never forgot about it. Even more, yesterday, while I was browsing the ...Read More


Having content from a bunch of websites gathered in the same page is nothing new. After all, there are a plenty of startup pages that are doing the job well, like Netvibes or iGoogle, but what about those people who want to have a ...Read More


Early warning: if you’re not using subversion repositories or – even worse – you have no idea about what they are, you should move on to the next article! Good, now that I said that, let’s take a look at the open source, Web-based ...Read More


These days, it seems everyone’s into releasing free scripts to the public, and I can’t say this is bad. In fact, I think it’s great, even if we’re talking about a URL shortener that comes “as is” and was written using PHP, MySQL, as ...Read More


No matter if you are in charge of a little forum or a huge social networking site, security is always an issue, and I don’t even want to think about the complexity of this problem for those working for e-commerce sites… but since it’s ...Read More