PHP Archive


I hate having to mess with databases, but sometimes there’s no other way around. Sure, I could pay someone to do that for me… but I really don’t trust leaving something I could do to others, and since doing minor tweaking in a database ...Read More


While URL shortening services can be really useful to decent people, I am sure spammers really love them. Why? Just think about the difference between “” and something like “” and you’ll get your answer! I know we talked about Shorty only two days ...Read More


Web-based operating systems could be the future… but only if all those into making viruses and hacking remote systems or stealing credit card information would suddenly disappear, so I think we won’t get to see anyone simply using Windows or Linux as a gate ...Read More


Nobody ever called me “shorty,” and there’s a very simple reason for that – I am pretty tall, of course! 😉 On the other hand, it seems it gets more and more useful to some people to send around URLs that can be called ...Read More


I love start pages. Sure, I usually load my bookmarks, but having a lot of useful info inside a single Web page is also a pretty good idea, and I must confess that, despite the fact Netvibes is my all-time favorite, I recently started ...Read More


As far as I know, CRM solutions are extremely expensive to deploy and maintain. I know this from a former high school classmate, who has a little IT company in charge of such a product. He only deployed a custom solution to a small ...Read More


Confession time, once again! Deep inside, I am a lazy person. Sometimes, this becomes pretty obvious, but at least it doesn’t happen too often. For example, some buddies of mine released some job reviews site, and things are going pretty well for them. I ...Read More


“Ta-taaaa! You got mail!” What if your mail client could speak? I guess that’s how it should let you know that there’s something new in your inbox… or at least that’s how I think T-dah got its name… but let’s take a closer look ...Read More


I hate programs and sites that give you no info on how to find your way around them. I guess everybody should feel the same, as long as we’re not talking about products as easy to use as a screwdriver (anyway, even scredrivers need ...Read More