Textures Archive

Premium Pixels

Premium pixels for free, now that’s a good deal for the last day of 2010, don’t you think? More than just that, the name of the site giving away premium pixels for free is – guess what? – Premium Pixels! 😉 Belonging to notorious ...Read More

Free Christmas Patterns

These days, the Internet is full of Christmas-related graphics awesomeness, but I must admit I hate placing quantity above quality, so I spent some time looking for the best Christmas patterns for all of you and here’s what I came out with… 1. slavetofashion69’s ...Read More


It seems too much time has passed since we talked about online pattern, texture, or even button generators, and today I will try to add one more item to this large category of online design elements generators. Sure, some may say there’s nothing special ...Read More


I really like to start every new week by discovering something cool, and today I had a big revelation. What kind of revelation? Well, first of all, some time has passed since we talked about any kind of online background generator… and second, I ...Read More


Since the weekend is almost here and some time has passed since we talked about a texture generator or free texture resource I found, now is the right time to take a look at TextureZ, don’t you think? Sure, there’s not much to say ...Read More

Urban Dirty

I love textures, especially when they come for free, or when I have some free tool at my disposal to generate them. Sometimes, I even got out and take some shots with pieces of concrete, grass, marble, and so on, then turn them into ...Read More