Wordpress Archive

Open Web Analytics

Apart from these sites I don’t own but I write for with pleasure, I have a few sites of my own that I update only once in a while, so I couldn’t care less about Google Analytics. In fact, I don’t even use that ...Read More

Premium Pixels

Premium pixels for free, now that’s a good deal for the last day of 2010, don’t you think? More than just that, the name of the site giving away premium pixels for free is – guess what? – Premium Pixels! šŸ˜‰ Belonging to notorious ...Read More

About Me 3000 ver. 1.6 released

Hello, Just fixed issue that caused a “you do not have sufficient permissions” error in WordPress 3.0 and up. You can go and download new version here . Sorry for inconveniences. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions for next development. ...Read More

SEO Booster

SEO Booster is a great tool if you want to know everything about your blog. SEO Booster detects and analyzes incoming visitors from search engines. You can visualize the most popular queries by logging in to the admin panel or using the provided widget. ...Read More


If someone asks me about promoting a blog, I always say that content comes first, content comes second, design comes third… and social networking stuff comes somewhere in the middle of the long list of things that need to be taken care of. Sure, ...Read More


If you encountered difficulties reading your WordPress based website or blog on your mobile device, WPtouch is the solution. WPtouch is a lightweight, fast-loading, feature-rich and highly-customized ā€œtheme applicationā€ which includes an admin interface to let you customize many aspects of your siteā€™s presentation. ...Read More

Kish Multi

If you have multiple blogs, you need a simple tool to maintain all of them very simple and easy. Kish Multi is a perfect tool for you. It helps you to maintain multiple blogs from a single blog. Kish Multi uses Ajax, this way ...Read More