While URL shortening services can be really useful to decent people, I am sure spammers really love them. Why? Just think about the difference between “http://www.penisenlargement.ws/buy/cialis-viagra” and something like “http://www.URLshortening.com/6iA34rfx” and you’ll get your answer!
I know we talked about Shorty only two days ago, but this time we’re talking about a script that’s even smarter than that one! How is this possible? Well, I am sure Shorty had no problems shortening long URLs of various spammy sites, while TightURL comes with spam protection. Is this awesome, or what?
More than just being available as a Web-based URL shortening service, TightURL is also available as a downloadable script, with the files available on SourceForge. It has been written in PHP and uses MySQL to store the URL table, so now you also know what you need to run it on your own server. That’s all, folks! 😉
Compatiblity: all major browsers, and it’s worthy mentioning that TightURL also works when JavaScript is disabled