
Thinking about sending out some really simple newsletters but can’t find any free solution to do that? Don’t worry, that’s why we’re here – TinyLetter is exactly what you need – an easy to use, free online service that you can use to create newsletters and get subscribers!

Getting started is really easy – just go here, pick a user name, enter the details required, and you’ll be ready to go in just a few seconds – no need to wait for email confirmation, hooray! As soon as you press that Create my account button, you can move on and start editing your first newsletter and mess with various settings, such as email address background or background image of the signup page.

Because I don’t want you to waste your time, I’d like to show you a signup page I quickly put up – WebDev3000’s newsletter signup page, of course! Now… don’t hurry to submit your address, this is just a test and nothing more! 😉

The list of features offered by this free service looks pretty good, since you can also import emails or ask a payment from people who subscribe, with the payments being directly sent to PayPal or processed by TinyLetter. Sure, you may not get any stellar features you may dream of, but I think TinyLetter is a good tool for starters. That’s all, folks – have a nice weekend!

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