
Everybody knows what is Tweeter. Some people use it to stay in contact with their friends and others use it to post their thoughts. Today I recommend a plugin for WordPress which gives you total control and ownership of the photos you post to Twitter.

TweetPress not only helps you to post your photos from your WordPress blog, but also sends traffic back to your own blog instead of a third party site. Until now you could post your photos to Tweeter only using a 3rdparty service. First you had to post them on Mobypicture or Twitpic and then post the URL from that service to your Tweeter page.

Using TweetPress you won’t send traffic to other sites, all the traffic will come to your blog or your website. With TweetPress you will also have total control over your online gallery.

TweetPress features a full API for developers, this way anyone can integrate any Tweeter client with WordPress.

To install and configure it only takes a few minutes. Download it from here, unzip it and upload it to wp-content/plugins folder. Don’t forget to activate the plugin from admin page. After that go to TweetPress settings page and select which page you would like the gallery to appear on. Then set your image hosting service inside the Twitter client you are using to TweetPress.You will need to enter the URL of your website/blog, username and password.

That’s it. Tweet in peace.

Compatibility: WordPress Version: 2.3 or higher

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