Early warning: if you’re not using subversion repositories or – even worse – you have no idea about what they are, you should move on to the next article! Good, now that I said that, let’s take a look at the open source, Web-based app that allows you to easily browse your subversion repositories, namely WebSVN!
As you can see in the image above, you can easily check previous operations, and apart from the logs, you also get access to the tree-style list of all the files changed, added or deleted. Even more, you can check the differences between two versions of the same file, but I think best thing to do would be to check the demo here and figure it out by yourself.
Anyway, if you’re one of the lazy ones (welcome to the club, by the way!), I am sure that features like the customizable templating system, RSS feed support, or colorization of file listing will push you to do the same thing I just mentioned: watch the demo and then, maybe, put WebSVN on one of your servers!
Compatibility: any major browser, but be sure to have a command line client of SVN at your disposal