Finally, we get back to some SEO tools. Since there are plenty of them available online, and some of them offer pretty rich features for no price, finding the best ones is a very hard task, if not impossible, but moving around and checking out the most interesting ones is surely more than just research work – to me, it’s a joyride!
Xinu, or Xinu Returns, is a very useful online tool that allows you to easily find out how’s your site doing in this eternal battle with its competitors in fields like PageRank, backlinks, indexed pages, amount of social bookmarks, and so on.
A very funny thing that I noticed is that if your site doesn’t have any presence at all on, the message displayed by Xinu is “N.ot .ava.ila.ble.” That’s a good one, it really made me laugh for a while! 😉
Other than that, there’s a lot to find out with Xinu’s help, and since using it is completely free… I guess it won’t hurt a try, don’t you think?
Compatibility: I played with this tool in Opera, Firefox 3.5, Chrome, IE, Safari, and I got tired of it – it works like a charm in all of them, so no use in trying any others, don’t you think?