> Access Monitor wordpress plugin resources analysis

Access Monitor wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name Access Monitor
Version 1.0.2
Author Joseph C Dolson
Rating 100
Last updated 2015-02-23 10:01:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
Access Monitor plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

Access Monitor plugin added 2 kB of resources to the Home page and 2 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

Access Monitor plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Access Monitor plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Access Monitor runs accessibility tests of your WordPress site, either on the front-end or in the administration. It runs an automated scan of your site using the Tenon.io web accessibility service.

Access Monitor requires an API key for Tenon.io.

Monitor Site Accessibility

No matter how hard you work to make your web site accessible, if it's adding new content on a daily basis, that accessibility might be changing every day. If you change your theme, you're in a whole new accessibility environment.

You can make a plan to check for new issues every day, or every week - but how are you going to go about it?

Access Monitor does two great things to help you test your site for accessibility.

First, it gives you the freedom of automation - schedule a weekly or monthly report, and you'll get notified each time that report is run. It'll test a specific set of pages, and return a list of definite accessibility issues, if you have any.

Second, it only reports accessibility issues that are machine-testable. It's not going to raise a bunch of red flags because the tests weren't able to tell whether a particular issue is a problem. You won't find yourself logging in to look at a report that's showing 30 new accessibility issues, but 27 of them are issues you've already checked manually and know aren't really problems.

Access Monitor uses Tenon.io, an automated accessibility testing service developed by web accessibility guru Karl Groves. Tenon does what an automated tool should do - it delivers a report telling you what the issue is, where it was found, why it's an issue, and who is affected by it.

It's true that a perfect score from Access Monitor doesn't mean that your web site is accessible - there's no way around manual testing in the web site accessibility world. But Access Monitor makes sure that if an issue can be found using automation, you'll know about it.

Learn about Tenon and Automated Accessibility

Go to Tenon.io to run a test of your site or read the Tenon.io documentation. Check out Karl Groves' article series Everything You Know About Accessibility Testing is Wrong. Get a free Tenon.io API key, then install Access Monitor and try it out.

Keep up with Access Monitor development on GitHub.

Testing your WordPress Site

Access Monitor allows you to run a one-time test or schedule a test to be run on a weekly or monthly basis. All tests run through this system are saved for later review and comparison so you can track the performance of a page or a test over time.

  • Duplicate issues are filtered out from the display. If an accessibility issue appears on multiple pages, it will only be shown the first time it's identified.
  • You can re-run any test from the Accessibility Reports screen at any time. Re-running a test will create a new test on the same pages and using the same test parameters.

Testing the WordPress Admin

You can test the page you're viewing using a link in the admin bar labeled 'A11y Check'.

  • In the admin, the entirety of the WordPress admin HTML is only tested on the Dashboard. On other admin pages, only the code inside the wpbody-content container is passed to Tenon.
  • On the front-end, only Pages and individual posts or custom post type pages can be tested. Archive pages are not currently passed to Tenon.

Available languages (in order of completeness): Dutch

Visit the Access Monitor translations site to check the progress of a translation.

Translating my plug-ins is always appreciated. Visit my translations site to start getting your language into shape!

Translator Credits


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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