> Adminimize wordpress plugin resources analysis

Adminimize wordpress plugin resources analysis

Download This Plugin
Download Elegant Themes
Name Adminimize
Version 1.8.4
Author Frank Bültge
Rating 96
Last updated 2015-02-24 05:05:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
Adminimize plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

Adminimize plugin added 4 bytes of resources to the Home page and 2 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

Adminimize plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Adminimize plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Visually compresses the administratrive header so that more admin page content can be initially seen. Also moves 'Dashboard' onto the main administrative menu because having it sit in the tip-top black bar was ticking me off and many other changes in the edit-area. Adminimize is a WordPress plugin that lets you hide 'unnecessary' items from the WordPress administration menu, submenu and even the 'Dashboard', with forwarding to the Manage-page. On top of that, you can also hide post meta controls on the Write page and other areas in the admin-area and Write-page, so as to simplify the editing interface. Compatible with WordPress 2.5 or later. Configure all metaboxes and other areas in the write-area. The new theme move the Tags- and Categorys-box to the sidebar, switch off optional metaboxes and other areas in the write-area. Many options for menu, submenu and all areas, metaboxes in the write-area, separated for all roles in WordPress.

Support Custom Options on all different post types

With version 1.6.1 it is possible to add own options for hide areas in the backend of WordPress. It is easy and you must only forgive ID or class of the tag. Also it is possible to use a fixed menu and header.

Support Custom Post Type

Also it is possible with version 1.7.18 to use on custom post types; hide 'unnecessary' areas on the custom post types for different roles and post types.

Compatibility with the plugins for MetaBoxes in Write-area

  1. You can add your own options, you must only see for css selectors


  1. WordPress version 2.8 and later

What does this plugin do?

The plugin changes the administration backend and gives you the power to assign rights on certain parts. Admins can activate/deactivate every part of the menu and even parts of the submenu. Meta fields can be administered separately for posts and pages. Certain parts of the write menu can be deactivated separately for admins or non-admins. The header of the backend is minimized and optimized to give you more space and the structure of the menu gets changed to make it more logical - this can all be done per user so each user can have his own settings.


  1. the admin theme can be set per user. To change this go to user settings
  2. currently you can use the theme together with the color settings for the Fresh and Classic themes
  3. more colors can be easily added
  4. new menu structure: on the left hand site you find classic menu points for managing and writing, while the right part is reserved for settings, design, plugins and user settings
  5. the dashboard has been moved into the menu itself but this can be deactivated if its not desired
  6. the menu is now smaller and takes up less space
  7. the WRITE menu has been changed as follows:
  8. it is no longer limited to a fixed width but flows to fill your whole browser window now
  9. you can scroll all input fields now, no need to make certain parts of the WRITE screen bigger
  10. categories moved to the sidebar
  11. tags moved to the sidebar if you are not using the plugin "Simple Tags"
  12. the editing part gets auto-scrolled which makes sense when using a small resolution
  13. the media uploader now uses the whole screen width
  14. supports the plugin "Admin Drop Down Menu" - when the plugin is active the user has two more backend-themes to chose from
  15. supports the plugin "Lighter Menus" - when that plugin is active the user has another two backend-themes to chose from
  16. two new color schemes are now available
  17. the width of the sidebar is changeable to standard, 300px, 400px or 30%
  18. each meta field can now be deactivated (per user setting) so it doesn't clutter up your write screen
  19. you can even deactivate other parts like h2, messages or the info in the sidebar
  20. the part of the user info you have on the upper - right part of your menu can be deactivated or just the log-out link
  21. the dashboard can be completely removed from the backend
  22. all menu and sub menu points can be completely deactivated for admins and non-admins
  23. most of these changes are only loaded when needed - i.e. only in the write screen
  24. set a backend-theme for difficult user
  25. you can set an role to view the areas on link page, edit post, edit page and global
  26. you can add own options for set rights to role
  27. it is possible to disable HTML-Editor on edit-area, only Visual-tab
  28. remove widgets in widgets settings for different role
  29. remove admin bar for different role
  30. remove admin bar items for different role
  31. remove items on custom post types for different role
  32. ... many many more


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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