Now! Plugin for AdSense is the simplest possible way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. Aiming at simplicity, Now! Plugin for AdSense does only one thing: it puts your AdSense code in up to three spots in your posts and pages (both existing ones and those yet to be written). The admin interface of this plugin uses a highly functional and modern interface based on the twitter bootstrap framework with generous, context-sensitive help on every single option.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense enforces the Google policy of not more than three adsense blocks per page.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense sports the simplest possible configuration interface -- nothing more than cutting and pasting AdSense code.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense gives you an option to suppress ads on all pages (as opposed to posts), or on the front/home page, category/tag/archive listings.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense lets you control the positioning and display of AdSense blocks in each post or page.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense is internationalized with multiple languages supported.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense has popover help for every option in the plugin.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense gives you an interface tour to familiarize yourself with the plugin features and layout.
- Now! Plugin for AdSense has the ability to spawn the plugin interface as a separate tab/window independent of the WordPress admin interface.
PS: You'll need a Google AdSense Account.
Now! Plugin for AdSense is the freely distributed version of a premium plugin. The Pro version gives you more control.
- Safe Content filter: To ensure that your Google AdSense ads show only on those pages that seem to comply with Google AdSense policies, which can be important since some comments may render your pages inconsistent with those policies.
- IP filter: Ability to specify a list of computers where your ads will not be shown, in order to prevent accidental clicks on your own ads -- one of the main reasons AdSense bans you. These features will minimize your chance of getting banned.
- Compatibility mode: To solve the issue of the ad insertion messing up your page appearances when using some themes.
- Category/Post Control: Ability to suppress ads on specific categories, posts and pages.
- Shortcode Support: Show the ads only on the pages or posts you want, and exactly where you want them.
- Mobile Support: Ability to show different ads on mobile devices, or to suppress ads.
- Excerpts: Ability to show a configurable number of ads on Excerpts (which make up the home page in some themes).
- Option Sets: Multiple option sets can be defined and easily switched between.
- Suspend Ads: Ability to temporarily suppress ad serving.
- Admin Interface Themes: Multiple color schemes for the admin interface.
- Ad Serving Statistics: Keep an eye on your ad serving statistics to make sure that Google is not shortchanging you. (Optional paid module)