> Events Manager and WPML Compatibility wordpress plugin resources analysis

Events Manager and WPML Compatibility wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name Events Manager and WPML Compatibility
Version 0.3
Author Marcus Sykes
Rating 36
Last updated 2013-12-21 09:09:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
Events Manager and WPML Compatibility plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

Events Manager and WPML Compatibility plugin added 13 bytes of resources to the Home page and 16 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

Events Manager and WPML Compatibility plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Events Manager and WPML Compatibility plugins ads the following DB table(s) to your Wordpress blog database:
Table name Table size (in bytes)
wp_em_wpml_events 16384

This plugin helps make Events Manager and WPML work better together by improving various issues:

  • Detects translated pages of specific EM pages (assigned in Events > Settings > Pages) and displays relevant language content
  • Event translations now share relevant information across all translations, including
    • Event Times
    • Location Information
    • If translations for the location exist, translated events will show/link to location of the same language, if not the original location translation.
    • Bookings and Booking Forms
    • If you delete an event that is the originally translated event, booking and other meta info is transferred to default language or next available language translation.
  • Custom texts, emails and formats can now be customized for each language.

Requires Events Manager 5.3.3 or higher

Special Installation Steps

Please ensure that WPML and EM 5.3.3 or higher are installed BEFORE activating this plugin.

When setting up EM and WPML, you should create translated versions of the event, location, category, tag, etc. pages assigned in Events > Settings > Pages of your admin area. Duplicating them using WPML is enough.


WPML and Events Manager are both complex plugins and there are some inevitable nuances and features that currently won't work and more time is needed to find appropriate solutions:

  • Event/Location Attributes (solution on the way)
    • Currently these aren't copied over to translations, so you need to recreate custom attributes for each translations.
    • Attributes aren't translatable
  • Recurring events (to be fixed after event/location attributes, no ETA yet)
    • Recurring Events can't be translated when editing the recurrence template, they must be done one by one i.e. at single event level
    • Recurring events are disabled by default due to the above
  • Location Searching
    • currently autocompleter forces searches for current languages, we may want to change this in the future to search all languages but give precedence to showing the translated version if available
  • Taxonomies
    • Taxonomy translation links aren't going to show in the language switcher unless WPML decides to make SitePress::$wp_query a public property
    • Translation switcher options aren't all going to be reflected in taxonomies as $teplate_args isn't passed to filter icl_ls_languages
  • Ticket names aren't translatable, they remain the same across all translations
  • MultiSite
    • Event Manager's MultiSite Global Tables Mode will not work as expected, listing events and locations from other sites will not return the correct items (if at all). This is due to the architecture of WPML vs. EM when in Global Tables Mode.
  • Custom Booking Forms
    • Pro Booking forms currently aren't translatable, the original ticket names and booking form fields are used.
  • RSS Feeds not translated
  • iCal feeds not translated

There is a big combination of things to test, therefore many combinations may have been missed which result in unexpected behaviour. Please let us know of any other nuances you come across and we'll do our best to fix them as time permits.

Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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