> Feedgeorge Wordpress Plugin wordpress plugin resources analysis

Feedgeorge Wordpress Plugin wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name Feedgeorge Wordpress Plugin
Version 2.2.2
Author C H Foo
Rating 0
Last updated 2012-06-22 06:53:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: -10%

Post page

Delta: -10%
Feedgeorge Wordpress Plugin plugin has Huge impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 10%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 10%

Feedgeorge Wordpress Plugin plugin added 116 kB of resources to the Home page and 118 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

Feedgeorge Wordpress Plugin plugin added 3 new host(s) to the Home page and 3 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Feedgeorge Wordpress Plugin plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Feedgeorge is a platform to discover, create and share news, information and data about places. It aggregates location data in a single platform. To help WordPress users with a better geotagging experience, we introduce you Feedgeorge WordPress Plugin (FGWPP).

WordPress users are able to use this plugin to:

a) geotag a single blog post and show the map marker on Post GeoMap. b) aggregate all blog post's coordinate markers in a single map and publish on the homepage of their blogs. c) show all markers in heatmap or single map marker format in the aggregated map on homepage. d) draw (or import) a polygon on map and export it in KML format. e) pull stories that nearby to blog post's location from Feedgeorge. f) share blog posts with Feedgeorge for incoming traffic boost.

Key features (v.2.2.2)

  1. [Fixed] Duplicated select forms in map of post content appeared after nearby map widget added.
  2. [New] KML feed added. (eg: http://example.com/?feed=fgkml)

Key features (v.

  1. [Fixed] Error occured during activated the plugin.

Key features (v.2.2.0)

  1. [New] Nearby Stories markers will including the posts from your site.
  2. [Improved] Have Options display Nearby Stories markers base on categories, total markers or time period. 3 [Fixed] Nearby stories categories unchecked after updated in General Section
  3. [Fixed] Tab UI in admin page mess up.

Key features (v.

  1. [Improved] Support Polygon in GeoRSS feed
  2. [Fixed] Markers missing during front map placed at bottom of page
  3. [Fixed] Front map option would not work after changed in admin.
  4. [Fixed] Geolocation missing in GeoRSS feed.
  5. [Fixed] Polygon don't show in front map

Key features (v.2.1.9/v2.1.9.1)

  1. [Fixed] Map doesn't zoom out to the level as saved in Default Setting
  2. [Improved] Reduced minimum degree of map zoom out level.
  3. [Improved] Share geotagged blog post with Feedgeorge without API login.

Key features (v.2.1.8)

  1. [Fixed] Variable conflict in marker section of admin page.

Key features (v.2.1.7)

  1. [New] Added custom markers list selection and colour customization.
  2. [Improved] Admin dashboard user interface changed.

Key features (v.2.1.5)

  1. [New] Added customizable map marker for each post story.

Key features (v.2.1.1)

  1. [New] Added feature to upload User-defined Markers.

Key features (v.2.0.9)

  1. [New] Geotagging in WordPress mobile app will be captured and displayed correctly in browser website.
  2. [Fixed] API key disappearance problem in Setting page.

Key features (v.2.0.8/v2.0.8.1)

  1. [Fixed] Checkbox of "Location of post" in Post GeoMap has been removed.

Key features (v.2.0.7)

  1. [Improved] API signup url has been changed.

Key features (v.2.0.6)

  1. [Fixed] Font in map info window.
  2. [Fixed] Nearby Stories map markers problem.

Key features (v.2.0.5)

  1. [New] Added Nearby Stories feature in Post GeoMap.

Key features (v.2.0.1)

  1. [New] Heat map (clustering map markers).
  2. [New] Polygon drawing (customized stroke and fill colour).
  3. [New] Aggregated post markers (or heat map) with polygons in a single map.
  4. [New] Share geotagged blog post with Feedgeorge.

Key features (v.

  1. [New] Added Feedgeorge API Key for "Feedgeorge Nearby" widget
  2. [New] Added customizable map marker icon setting.

Key features (v1.0.1)

  1. [New] Setting for geomap with aggregated post data at "Homepage" of your blog - Set default map location centre - Set default map zoom level
  2. [New] Setting for geomap with single post data at your "Blog Post" - Set default map location centre - Set default map zoom level
  3. [New] Setting for blog post visibility - Set default post visibility for Feedgeorge map.
  4. [New] Stories Nearby Widget - Drag and drop in Widgets Area - Choose categories available in Feed George database (data only available in Malaysia for the moments) - Flexible width and customizable height


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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