> My Content Management wordpress plugin resources analysis

My Content Management wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Download Elegant Themes
Name My Content Management
Version 1.4.15
Author Joseph C Dolson
Rating 92
Last updated 2014-12-20 10:06:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
My Content Management plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

My Content Management plugin added 2 bytes of resources to the Home page and 19 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

My Content Management plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! My Content Management plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

My Content Management creates a set of custom post types, each with a custom taxonomy and a set of commonly needed custom fields. A single common interface to create popularly desired content tools.

In addition to the default post types and field groups, you can create new custom post types, create new groups of custom fields, and edit the post types and custom field groups that are built in.

Purchase the User's Guide, which offers 25+ pages of detailed information on how to set up, use, and customize My Content Management.

There's no default styling in My Content Management, so you won't have any problems with conflicts between the plug-in and your theme. There is default HTML, but it can be 100% replaced through the included templating system, or by creating your own theme template documents to display these specific content types.

All content can be displayed using the shortcode [my_content type='custom_post_type']. Other supported attributes include:

  • type (single or comma-separated list of types)
  • display (custom, full, excerpt, or list)
  • taxonomy (slug for associated taxonomy: required to get list of terms associated with post; include a term to limit by term)
  • term (term within named taxonomy)
  • operator (IN, NOT IN, or AND) == how to treat the selected terms. Choose posts with that term, without that term, or using all terms supplied.
  • count (number of items to display - default shows all)
  • order (order to show items in - default order is "menu_order" )
  • direction (whether sort is ascending, "ASC", or descending, "DESC" (default))
  • meta_key ( custom field to sort by if 'order' is "meta_value" or "meta_value_num" )
  • template ( set to a post type to use a template set by that post type. If "display" equals "custom", write a custom template. )
  • custom_wrapper ( only used when custom template in use; wraps all results in this html element with appropriate classes)
  • offset (integer: skip a number of posts before display.)
  • id ( comma separated list of IDs to show a set of posts; single ID to show a single post.)
  • cache (integer: number of hours to cache the results of this shortcode)
  • year (integer)
  • month (integer, 1-12)
  • week (integer, 0-53)
  • day (integer, 1-31)

A search form for any custom post type is accessible using the shortcode [custom_search type='custom_post_type']

Create a site map for a specific post type and taxonomy using the [my_archive type='custom_post_type' taxonomy='taxonomy'] shortcode. Other supported attributes include all those above, plus:

  • exclude (list of comma-separated taxonomy terms to exclude from the site map)
  • include (list of comma-separated taxonomy terms to show on the site map)

The "id" attribute is not supported in the [my_archive] shortcode. (That would be silly.) The [my_archive] shortcode does support a "show_links" attribute which will turn on a navigation list to navigate to each displayed category.

Available languages (in order of completeness): French, Irish, Spanish, Dutch, German, Punjabi

Visit the My Content Management translations site to check the progress of a translation.

Translating my plug-ins is always appreciated. Visit my translations site to start getting your language into shape!

Translator Credits


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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