> MyTweetMag wordpress plugin resources analysis

MyTweetMag wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Download Elegant Themes
Name MyTweetMag
Rating 0
Last updated 2010-06-30 07:35:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
MyTweetMag plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

MyTweetMag plugin added 2 bytes of resources to the Home page and 3 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

MyTweetMag plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! MyTweetMag plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

This plugin works in combination with the plattform http://www.mytweetmag.com and allows you to integrate rss-feeds from mytweetmag into your wordpress-blog.

There are two ways to integrate the feeds: 1. with a widget on the sidebar 1. with a shortcode in a static -page 1. with php


Use following code in Templates of the Theme

Example: <?php MyTweetMag(10, "mytweetmag"); ?>

All params with default-values:

  1. $display = 5
  2. $username = ''
  3. $before_desc = '<br/>', $displaydescriptions = 0, $after_desc = ''
  4. $html = 1
  5. $truncatedescchar = 200
  6. $truncatedescstring = ' ... '
  7. $truncatetitlechar = ''
  8. $truncatetitlestring = ' ... '
  9. $before_date = '<br/><small>'
  10. $date = 0
  11. $after_date = '</small>'
  12. $date_format = ''
  13. $before_creator = '<br/><small>'
  14. $creator = 0
  15. $after_creator = '</small>'
  16. $start_items = '<ul class='mtm'>'
  17. $end_items = '</ul>'
  18. $start_item = '<li>'
  19. $end_item = '</li>'
  20. $target = 'self'
  21. $rel = 'follow'
  22. $charsetscan = 0
  23. $debug = 0
  24. $before_noitems = '<p>'
  25. $noitems = 'No items, feed is empty.'
  26. $after_noitems = '</p>'
  27. $before_error = '<p>'
  28. $error = 'Error: Feed has a error or is not valid'
  29. $after_error = '</p>'
  30. $paging = 0
  31. $prev_paging_link = '&laquo; Previous'
  32. $next_paging_link = 'Next &raquo;'
  33. $prev_paging_title = 'more items'
  34. $next_paging_title = 'more items'
  35. $use_simplepie = 1
  36. $view = 1


use the following code in post or pages

Example: [MyTweetMag display='5' username='' target='self']

All params with default-values:

  1. 'display' => 5
  2. 'username' => ''
  3. 'before_desc' => '<br/>'
  4. 'displaydescriptions' => 1
  5. 'after_desc' => ''
  6. 'html' => 1
  7. 'truncatedescchar' => ''
  8. 'truncatedescstring' => ' ... '
  9. 'truncatetitlechar' => ''
  10. 'truncatetitlestring' => ' ... '
  11. 'before_meta' => '<br/><small>'
  12. 'meta' => 0
  13. 'after_meta' => '</small>'
  14. 'start_items' => '<ul class='mtm'>'
  15. 'end_items' => '</ul>'
  16. 'start_item' => '<li>'
  17. 'end_item' => '</li>'
  18. 'target' => 'self'
  19. 'rel' => 'follow'
  20. 'charsetscan' => 0
  21. 'debug' => 0
  22. 'before_noitems' => '<p>'
  23. 'noitems' => __('No items, feed is empty.', FB_MTM_TEXTDOMAIN)
  24. 'after_noitems' => '</p>'
  25. 'before_error' => '<p>'
  26. 'error' => __('Error: Feed has a error or is not valid', FB_MTM_TEXTDOMAIN)
  27. 'after_error' => '</p>'
  28. 'paging' => 0
  29. 'prev_paging_link' => __('&laquo; Previous', FB_MTM_TEXTDOMAIN)
  30. 'next_paging_link' => __('Next &raquo;', FB_MTM_TEXTDOMAIN)
  31. 'prev_paging_title' => __('more items', FB_MTM_TEXTDOMAIN)
  32. 'next_paging_title' => __('more items', FB_MTM_TEXTDOMAIN)
  33. 'use_simplepie' => 1
  34. 'view' => 0


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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