> Subscribe2 wordpress plugin resources analysis

Subscribe2 wordpress plugin resources analysis

Download This Plugin
Download Elegant Themes
Name Subscribe2
Version 10.18.4
Author Matthew Robinson, Tanay Lakhani
Rating 82
Last updated 2015-02-25 07:29:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
Subscribe2 plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

Subscribe2 plugin added 6 bytes of resources to the Home page and 8 bytes of resources to the sample Post page.

Subscribe2 plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! Subscribe2 plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

Check official website for live demo http://plugins.readygraph.com/subscribe2/


Subscribe2 provides a comprehensive subscription management and email notification system for WordPress blogs that sends email notifications to a list of subscribers when you publish new content to your blog.

This plugin has integrated ReadyGraph, an optional set of features to automate the growth of your userbase. It helps you achieve the three goals of any web marketer: maximize conversion of site visitors to register for your email list, maximize viral referrals for your site, and maximize return visits to your site. To accomplish this, we have integrated a key set of growth features with this plugin: - Intelligent signup popup with email or one-click Facebook login - Full viral referral flow - Automated end user re-engagement emails including welcome emails, weekly digest, friend joined alert and more (all email campaigns are optional and configurable) - Enhanced email deliverabilty - Cloud-based analytics and data storage - Settings that allow you to turn on and off all ReadyGraph features.

A full description of features is below.


Email notifications can be sent on a per-post basis or periodically in a Digest email. Additionally, certain categories can be excluded from inclusion in the notification and posts can be excluded on an individual basis by setting a custom field.


Subscription requests allows users to publicly subscribe (Public Subscribers) by submitting their email address in an easy to use form or to register with your blog (Registered Users) which enables greater flexibility over the email content for per-post notifications for the subscriber. Admins are given control over the presentation of the email notifications, can bulk manage subscriptions for users and manually send email notices to subscribers.

The format of the email can also be customised for per-post notifications, Subscribe2 can generate emails for each of the following formats:

  • plaintext excerpt.
  • plaintext full post (Registered Users only).
  • HTML excerpt (Registered Users only).
  • HTML full post (Registered Users only).

If you want to send full content HTML emails to Public Subscribers too then upgrade to Subscribe2 HTML.

ReadyGraph App

ReadyGraph is a system that automates the growth of your site’s userbase. It is optimized to deliver audience growth and motivate users to consistently revisit your site.

Optimized Signup Form

ReadyGraph’s signup form with intelligent pop-up functionality and one-click login is designed to maximize signups to your email list. You can configure when the popup appears so as to maximize the likelihood that the user is engaged enough to register for your list.

Viral Friend Invites

ReadyGraph adds a friend invite process to your site’s signup flow. We then power the entire viral loop by sending email and Facebook invitations that encourage your visitors’ friends to signup for your site.

Automated Re-engagement Emails

ReadyGraph’s automated email system encourages visitors to return to your site. Users receive optimized emails such as a welcome email, re-engagement email, regular digest with new content from your blog, and social emails. All emails are configurable including the ability to turn on and off individual campaigns. We handle all sending to maximize deliverability.


Track daily-new subscribers, daily invites, total traffic, and other key metrics that quantify growth and user engagement. ReadyGraph safely stores user data in the cloud so you can access data from anywhere.


ReadyGraph’s newsfeed is an optional overlay on your site where your users can engage with others in your community and recommend your content or products to each other. It is like having a social network that engages users embedded on your site. Users can leave comments, ‘like’ comments left by other subscribers and ‘follow’ other subscribers. Subscribers will receive automated email updates based on these actions.

Content Voting and Ranking

ReadyGraph allows your subscribers to vote on your latest content. The top content from our network of sites is then ranked on UserBase.com by the number of votes that it has received in the past 7 days.

Want To Grow Even Faster?

Try ReadyGraph premium for free to get these advanced features:

  1. Monthly Promotion to 10,000 New Users
  2. Unlimited New Blog Post Emails
  3. Unlimited Viral Email Invites
  4. Unlimited Facebook Invites
  5. Many more premium features added all the time

Get it here!

If you have questions or concerns contact us anytime at info@readygraph.com


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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