> WassUp Real Time Analytics wordpress plugin resources analysis

WassUp Real Time Analytics wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name WassUp Real Time Analytics
Version 1.8.6
Author Michele Marcucci, Helene Duncker
Rating 64
Last updated 2014-11-17 07:36:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
WassUp Real Time Analytics plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

WassUp Real Time Analytics plugin added 2 kB of resources to the Home page and 2 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

WassUp Real Time Analytics plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! WassUp Real Time Analytics plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

WassUp is a Wordpress plugin to track your visitors in real-time. It has a very readable and fancy admin console to keep track of your visitors that gives you a detailed view into almost everything your users are doing on your site. It is very useful for SEO or statistics maniacs.

The aim of WassUp is the knowledge of what your visitors do when they surf your site. It is not intended to show grouped statistics over preset time periods like visitors per day, pageviews per months, and so on (there are many others tools to better gain that, like Google Analytics). Instead, WassUp provides flexible, easy-to-read views into your visitors data that is customizable by time periods, visitor types, search keywords, and much more.

DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk. No warranty expressed or implied is provided.

WassUp comes with 4 admin submenus for viewing your visitors' activities and for customizing those views

  • There is a fancy "Visitors Details" view with search capability, view filters, plus a chart and top ten summary, that allows you to see almost everything about your visitors and what they do on your site.
  • There is an ajax "Spy" view (like Digg Spy) that lets you monitor and geolocate your visitors, live.
  • There is a "Current Visitors Online" view that shows a summary of your online visitors in real-time.
  • There is an "Options" view with lots of customizable settings for WassUp.

There is a nice Dashboard widget that shows a line chart of hits over time (24 hours default) and a count of current visitors online and their latest activities.

There is also a useful sidebar Widget that shows the count of current visitors online (default) and that can display recent searched terms, recent external referrers, top browsers, and top OSes. The widget is fully customizable.

WassUp works with two anti-spam functions to detect and omit (if you want) referrers spammers and comment spammers. It also detects and records unauthorized users' login attempts, script injection, and other exploit attempts. Please note that WassUp just records exploit attempts. It does not block them or otherwise protect your site. You need a separate security plugin for that.

For people with database space problem, WassUp has a few options to manage the database table growth: you can empty it; you can delete old records automatically; and you can set a warning notice for when it exceeds a preset size limit.

WassUp gives a chronology of your site's visits with a lot of information for each single user session:

  • ip / hostname
  • referrer
  • spider
  • search engines used
  • keywords
  • SERP (search engine result page)
  • operating system / language / browser
  • pages viewed (chronologically and per user session)
  • complete user agent
  • name of user logged in
  • name of comment's author
  • spam and hack attempts

Wassup has a nice admin console with flexible view filters and options:

  • records by time period
  • record count per page
  • records by entry type (spider, users logged in, comment authors, search engine, referrer)
  • search by keyword
  • expand/collapse informations (with ajax support)
  • show/hide chart (Google!chart)
  • top ten charts with aggregate data (top queries, requests, os, browsers)

There are many options to customize how WassUp tracks and displays data:

  • Screen refresh minutes
  • Screen resolution (browser width)
  • User permission levels
  • Enable/Disable recording (tracking)
  • Record or not users logged in
  • Record or not spiders and bots
  • Record or not exploit attempts
  • Record or not comment spammers
  • Record or not referrer spammers
  • IPs to exclude from recording
  • Domains to exclude from referrers
  • Email alert for table growth

IMPORTANT: WassUp is incompatible with page-based caching plugins such as "WP Super-Cache".


Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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