> WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam wordpress plugin resources analysis

WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam wordpress plugin resources analysis

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Name WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam
Author WP-SpamFree
Rating 80
Last updated 2013-10-23 09:42:00
Download Plugins Speed Test plugin for Wordpress

Home page

Delta: 0%

Post page

Delta: 0%
WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam plugin has no negative impact on PageSpeed score.

Home page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%, while Post page PageSpeed score has been degraded by 0%

WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam plugin added 552 bytes of resources to the Home page and 1 kB of resources to the sample Post page.

WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam plugin added 0 new host(s) to the Home page and 0 new host(s) to the sample Post page.

Great! WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam plugin ads no tables to your Wordpress blog database.

An extremely powerful WordPress anti-spam plugin that eliminates blog comment spam, including trackback and pingback spam. Finally, you can enjoy a spam-free WordPress blog! Includes spam-free contact form feature as well.

A Powerful Weapon Against Comment Spam

Comment spam has been a huge problem for bloggers since the inception of blogs, and it just doesn't seem to go away. The worst kind, and most prolific, is automated spam that comes from bots. Well, finally there is an anti-spam plugin for WordPress that provides an effective solution, without CAPTCHA's, challenge questions, or other inconvenience to site visitors. WP-SpamFree eliminates automated blog comment spam from bots, including trackback and pingback spam.

New Features

  • Now with Enhanced Comment Blacklist option! Instead of just sending comments to moderation as with WordPress's default Comment Blacklist functionality, with this turned on, anything that matchs a string in the blacklist will be completely blocked. Also adds a link in the comment notification emails that will let you blacklist a commenter's IP with one click.
  • See what's been blocked! Version 2.0 adds "Blocked Comment Logging Mode", a temporary diagnostic mode that logs blocked comments and contact form submissions for 7 days, then turns off automatically. If you want to see what's been blocked, or verify that everything is working, turn this on and see what WP-SpamFree is protecting your blog from.

Key Features

  1. Virtually eliminates automated comment spam from bots. It works like a firewall to ensure that your commenters are in fact, human.
  2. A counter on your dashboard to keep track of all the spam it's blocking. The numbers will show how effective this plugin is.
  3. No CAPTCHA's, challenge questions or other inconvenience to site visitors - it works silently in the background.
  4. Includes drop-in spam-free contact form. Easy to use - no configuration necessary.
  5. No false positives, which leads to fewer frustrated readers, and less work for you.
  6. You won't have to waste valuable time sifting through a spam queue anymore, because there won't be much there, if anything.
  7. Powerful trackback and pingback spam protection.
  8. Easy to install - truly plug and play. Just upload and activate. (Installation Status on the plugin admin page to let you know if plugin is installed correctly.)
  9. The beauty of this plugin is the methods of blocking spam. It takes a different approach than most and stops spam at the door.
  10. The code has an extremely low bandwidth overhead and won't slow down your blog (very light database access), unlike some other anti-spam plugins.
  11. Completely compatible with all cache plugins, including WP Cache and WP Super Cache. Not all anti-spam plugins can say that.
  12. Display your blocked spam stats on your blog.
  13. Helps keep your database slimmer and more efficient.
  14. Works in WordPress MU as well.
  15. No cost, no hidden fees. Free for both Commercial and Personal use.


Before I developed this plugin, our team and clients experienced the same frustration you do with comment spam on your WordPress blog. Every blog we manage had comment moderation enabled and various other anti-spam plugins installed, but we still had a ton of comments tagged as spam in the spam queue that we had to sort through. This wasted a lot of valuable time, and we all know, time is money. We needed a solution.

Comment spam stems from an older problem - automated spamming of email contact forms on web sites. I developed a successful fix for this a while ago, and later applied it to our WordPress blogs. It was so effective, that I decided to add a few modifications and turn it into a WordPress plugin to be freely distributed. Blogs we manage used to get an excessive number of spam comments show up on the spam queue each day - now the daily average is zero spam comments.

To further the development of this anti-spam plugin, I now study thousands and thousands of potential spam comments from many test blogs and contributors. I use a special diagnostic version of the plugin, which provides much more information on each of these spam comments than what is shown in WordPress. By analyzing patterns and behaviors consistent with spam, I can continually improve the plugin and ensure future accuracy.

How It Works

Most of the spam hitting your blog originates from bots. Few bots can process JavaScript (JS). Few bots can process cookies. Fewer still, can handle both. In a nutshell, this plugin uses a dynamic combo of JavaScript and cookies to weed out the humans from spambots, preventing 99%+ of automated spam from ever getting to your site. Almost 100% of web site visitors will have these turned on by default, so this type of solution works silently in the background, with no inconveniences. There may be a few users (less than 2%) that have JavaScript and/or cookies turned off by default, but they will be prompted to simply turn those back on to post their comment. Overall, the few might be inconvenienced because they have JS and cookies turned off will be far fewer than the 100% who would be annoyed by CAPTCHA's, challenge questions, and other validation methods.

Some would argue that using JS and cookies is too simplistic an approach. Traditionally, programmers prefer using some type of basic AI to fight bots by trying to figure out if a comment is spam. While that isn't a bad idea, when used alone this method falls short because no machine AI can ever accurately judge whether a comment is spam - many spam comments get through that could easily have been stopped, and there are many false positives where non-spam comments get flagged as spam. Others may argue that some spammers have programmed their bots to read JavaScript, etc. In reality, the percentage of bots with these capabilities is still extremely low - less than 1%. It's simply a numbers game. Statistics tell us that an effective solution would involve using a technology that few bots can handle, therefore eliminating their ability to spam your site. The important thing in fighting spam is that we create a solution that can reduce spam noticeably and improve the user experience, and a 99%+ reduction in spam would definitely make a difference for most bloggers and site visitors.

Even so, it's important to know that the particular JS and cookies solution used in the WP-SpamFree anti-spam plugin has evolved quite a bit, and is no longer simple at all. There are now two layers of protection, a JavaScript/Cookies Layer, and an Algorithmic Layer. Even if bot authors could engineer a way to break through the JavaScript/Cookies Layer, the Algorithmic Layer would still stop 95% of the spam that the JavaScript Layer blocks. (I'm working to make this 100% for fully redundant protection.) This JavaScript Layer utilizes randomly generated keys, and is algorithmically enhanced to ensure that spambots won't beat it. The powerful Algorithmic Layer is what eliminates trackback/pingback spam, and much human spam as well. And, it does all that without hindering legitimate comments and trackbacks. The bottom line, is that this plugin just plain works, and is a powerful weapon against spam.

WordPress Blogging Without Spam

How does it feel to blog without being bombarded by comment spam? If you're happy with the WP-SpamFree WordPress anti-spam plugin, please let others know by giving it a good rating!

Resources added by plugin to Home page/Post page in kB
Total size of resources for Home page/Post page in kB
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