Bold Headline wordpress theme speed test

Bold Headline screenshot
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Name Bold Headline
Version 1.3.3
Author crondeau
Rating 100
Last updated 2014-05-16
Downloads 21923


Bold Headline has a global rank of 1677 and an overall pagespeed score of 84.
Bold Headline uses 22 resources in total, which is 235 kB of data.

This theme is faster than 35.15% of other themes we have tested.

Description by publisher:

Bold Headline is a minimal single column responsive theme. Responsive is a fancy way of saying that it will look great on mobile devices. I've incorporated Fittext.js in the theme which will make the titles big on larger screen and small on mobile devices. The theme displays excerpts and thumbnail images on the your blog. The thumbnails appear in circular format, and then a larger image is displayed when you navigate to the full post. Bold Headline has three widget areas which will appear in your footer. Google Web Fonts used: Lato + Playfair Display. Bold Headline comes with a RTL stylesheet and Dutch, French and Polish translations.

Overal Score

Desktop + Mobile

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Bold Headline theme speed test results

Home page

Tested on Desktop

Post page

Tested on Desktop

Home page

Tested on Mobile

Post page

Tested on Mobile
Total size of resources in kB (Post page)

HTML (16 kB)

CSS (21 kB)

Images (25 kB)

JavaScript (108 kB)

Other (65 kB)

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