cleanRoar wordpress theme speed test

cleanRoar screenshot
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Download Elegant Theme
Name cleanRoar
Version 10.03.31
Author AmberPanther
Rating 0
Last updated 2010-03-31
Downloads 24123


cleanRoar has a global rank of 1121 and an overall pagespeed score of 85.
cleanRoar uses 16 resources in total, which is 168 kB of data.

This theme is faster than 56.65% of other themes we have tested.

Description by publisher:

A simple clean, versatile theme, hence, the name cleanRoar. It features a functional back-end packed with multiple options. It comes with five different styles, Legacy, Red, Redmad, and Christmas with optional snow effect. Visit to preview all four styles. The sidebars are also movable, left, right or one on each side, allowing for multiple layouts. Also, the option to merge the two sidebars into a wide one was introduced, hence, allowing for six possible layouts. Other options include: Categories listing on the main menu bar, not just in the sidebar. Support for social links, twitter and facebook, and third-party RSS url, to replace the native WordPress one. Google Analytics script can be set from the options, no need to edit template files. There is support for up to four 125 by 125 px Ad banners, displayed at the top of the sidebar and also Ad banner and Ad script support in the sidebar. More options include: custom CSS and custom header. Check cleanRoar's back-end for all options available (install cleanRoar, go to the Dashboard and select cleanRoar Options from towards the end of the left sidebar). v.10.03.31 addresses isuues with: (1) the Comments anchor link, (2) the "Leave a response" link when comments are closed and (3) the Categories exclude option.

Overal Score

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cleanRoar theme speed test results

Home page

Tested on Desktop

Post page

Tested on Desktop

Home page

Tested on Mobile

Post page

Tested on Mobile
Total size of resources in kB (Post page)

HTML (20 kB)

CSS (18 kB)

Images (26 kB)

JavaScript (104 kB)

Other (0 kB)

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