Themes speed test results by Theme Downloads - Page:28

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
1351. Light Green 1.6 Agroturystyczne 91
1352. Exact 1.02 HannahOwen 91
1353. BorderPx 1.3 yazin 95
1354. Shades of Gray 1.4.2 w3wizard 95
1355. Perfetta 1.3.0 GavickPro 90
1356. Alpha 0.2.3 hwijaya 91
1357. Akyuz 1.1.18 selimakyuz 91
1358. Premium Modern Orange 1.6 95
1359. Christmas 1 2.0 arwen54 95
1360. Clockwork 1.05 timsainb 91
1361. Kitten in Pink 1.4 davidspan 93
1362. SidebarsSuck 1.2 lifecheater 93
1363. my contrastica under construction 2.0.13 mythemes 85
1364. Aura 1.0.17 max2501 92
1365. Silver Spot 1.0.10 clashmedia 95
1366. Tsokolate 1.1 miyepages 89
1367. SongWriter 1.0.5 tomastoman 91
1368. Old Popular Yolk 2.3 JoshuaGoodwin 95
1369. WP StrapThirteen 1.0.8 ZGani 88
1370. My Envision 1.2 Tatoon 95
1371. Passion 1.0.7 scui2 91
1372. GChrome 1.3.1 genkisan 93
1373. Sweet Tech 2.1.5 sudeep611 89
1374. Serious Blogger 1.4 jayhafling 94
1375. Airmail - par Avion 0.6 johnnye 90
1376. Illustratr 1.1.4 automattic 89
1377. Secluded 2.0 seismicthemes 91
1378. Webbutveckling 1.2.5 leonl 91
1379. Flowery 0.3 netmaniac 95
1380. The Night Watch 1.0.2 themepost 90
1381. Sidekick 1.0 automattic 91
1382. The Frances Wright 1.2.1 themesweet 91
1383. Pure & Simple 1.0.5 GeJay 90
1384. moseter 1.3.1 asmedia 90
1385. Violinesth 4.0 mypatricks 93
1386. Spot 1.3 timnicholson 89
1387. JNB Multicolor Theme 1.0.3 deadgoon42 95
1388. Canonical 2.0.2 grapplerulrich 91
1389. Bubble Gum 1.1 RebeccaRing 95
1390. Summit Lite 1.0.4 tetheredthemes 88
1391. Tyson Black 1.0.1 hairtyson 83
1392. multiloquent 8.0.03 jonathansblog 91
1393. Noir 1.2 Vistory 93
1394. Stripay 2.3 crondeau 91
1395. 76 digital orange 1.7 sammyb 93
1396. Silver Dreams 1.4 mujtaba91 85
1397. A Kelleyroo Halloween 1.2 letsgofeet 95
1398. Simple Green 1.0 MFlavius 93
1399. Alpha Trinity 1.0.2 Alpha WP Themes 91
1400. Simple Blog Design 1.0 Blog Design Studio 94
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Blend screenshot


by: spectacula

Simplixity screenshot


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by: Emrico1
