Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Home page/Desktop - Page:27

# Theme Title Version Author Home page/Desktop
1301. Auroral Theme 2.1.0 primestrategy 92
1302. Color Palette 1.3.4 crondeau 92
1303. Fiver 2.2.8 hellweaver666 92
1304. Aura 1.0.17 max2501 92
1305. Boldly Go Green 0.1.4 mardesco 92
1306. Dancing In The Moonlight 1.0.0 greenshady 92
1307. dkret3 4.7.1 kretzschmar 92
1308. BlackMesa 1.1.7 Arcance 92
1309. Facade 1.02 dgwyer 92
1310. Morphic 1.2 csthemes 92
1311. Akasse 1.0.3 KennethP 92
1312. Enormous 1.3.1 manishsuwal 92
1313. Memori Jingga 0.3 Miftachudin 92
1314. Docu 0.8 kosinix 92
1315. Scherzo 2.3 leonp 92
1316. Minipress 1.3 obox 92
1317. utility 1.2.1 kapilchugh 92
1318. Gray - Base Plate 2.3.7 Michael Pollind 92
1319. Akyuz 1.1.18 selimakyuz 92
1320. Nature Light 1.6 Rakshasi 92
1321. Calotropis 1.5.2 itxitx 92
1322. The Fundamentals of Graphic Design 1.5 datsince1982 92
1323. RedTime 1.1 john_wdl 92
1324. 2013 Green Sequence 1.0.9 Joen 92
1325. Silver Platinum 0.0.4 me.benlu 92
1326. Albizia 1.4.2 itxitx 92
1327. Boldly Go Blue 0.1.5 mardesco 92
1328. NuvioAxis Beige 1.4 Payne92 92
1329. 2013 Orange Sequence 1.0.9 Joen 92
1330. Mysense1 1.10 dolkand 92
1331. Bombax 1.3 itxitx 92
1332. Orangy 1.3 92
1333. sonoichi 1.1.1 ichi67 92
1334. Sparkles Nursery 1.08 designpromote 92
1335. Nu2013 1.2 nukaga 92
1336. Emptiness 1.13.3 cliffano 92
1337. Stripay 2.3 crondeau 92
1338. dkNote 1.4 dhenycahyoe 92
1339. Renegade 2.1.2 WizardRegis 92
1340. Northern-Web-Coders 2.7.5 jaman 92
1341. sprachkonstrukt2 2.3.6 h4ir9 92
1342. Colors 0.2 Dehradun 92
1343. Kotenhanagara 2.4 Takeaki Nagashima 92
1344. jQ 3.4 Devolux 92
1345. Softly 1.4 Leecook 92
1346. THAT Music Theme 1.2 THATWordpress 92
1347. HelloSexy 1.3.6 hellweaver666 92
1348. Sleek Black 3.5.2 Stilla 92
1349. WP CentriK 1.0.5 ZGani 92
1350. PressPlay 2.1 SeventhSteel 92
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