Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Post page/Mobile - Page:14

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Mobile
651. bbv1 1.0.2 dejumoshi 83
652. Straightforward 1.7 mskempster 83
653. Rolas Sepuluh 1.5 sadewo 83
654. In Brine 2.0 tunaslut 83
655. Design Notes 1.2 alexandratong 83
656. States 1.3 Developdaly 83
657. meadowland 1.2 wpcosmos 83
658. iTech 1.0.3 ZackLive 83
659. BlueFantasy 1.3 hostease 83
660. Mazeld 1.0 matt 83
661. alibi3col 1.7 themocracy 83
662. Tiki Time 1.3 fyrewurks 83
663. Web 2.0 Simplified 1.1.1 jeremyclark13 83
664. Anand 1.2 saumendra 83
665. Food Recipe 1.3.1 genkisan 83
666. Simple Chrome 1.0.1 beysim 83
667. GreyMonger Theme iskolares 83
668. Persephone 1.1 themocracy 83
669. March Star 1.2.1 dhista 83
670. Horizontal theme 0.5 binda 83
671. louisebrooks 1.5 themocracy 83
672. GChrome 1.3.1 genkisan 83
673. Liberty 1.1 liberty50 83
674. j2-simple 1.0.2 jackniu 83
675. John Loan Pro 1.0.3 johnloan 83
676. Christmas 2008 1.0.2 dotstar 83
677. codescheme_blue 1.3 LuigiLupo 83
678. Real Estate Blog 1.1 rahulsarees 83
679. BetiLu 1.8.3 83
680. Presentation Lite 1.0.4 sdavis2702 83
681. Seismic Manhattan 0.7 seismicthemes 83
682. Vacuous 0.4 tweaklabs 83
683. Responsive Tabs 1.33 Will Brownsberger 82
684. meta_s2 1.0.4 ryancowles 82
685. Zilch 1.1.6 itapplication 82
686. Ohsik 1.7.7 writegnj 82
687. Premium Style 1.8 gopiplus 82
688. WPstart 1.2.5 kruszepl 82
689. ReFresh 1.6.6 sandy786 82
690. Arclite 2.02 digitalnature 82
691. Brand New Day 1.6 sixhours 82
692. Revolution Code Blue 2.0 bmg1227 82
693. Magomra 1.3.8 bitacre 82
694. Comet 1.4.2 WizardRegis 82
695. zBorder 0.9.5 zwwooooo 82
696. an ordinary theme 2.5 fabian.schmid 82
697. ar 3.1 obert 82
698. Modern-Blue 2.0 Nightgunner5 82
699. The Fundamentals of Graphic Design 1.5 datsince1982 82
700. SafiTech 1.7 safitech 82
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