Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Post page/Mobile - Page:28

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Mobile
1351. Kolorful 1.2 myochauhtun 78
1352. MMistique 1.3 frankschrijvers 78
1353. Simplex (bright) 1.2.5 sensifreak 78
1354. staypressed 1.4 LuigiLupo 78
1355. MyDaysOfAmber 0.3 mihaidragan 78
1356. Musa Sadr 1.50 daanial 78
1357. pl00 2.0.1 jayacosta 78
1358. BlueBlack Theme 1.2 surajt 78
1359. y2k 3.17.3 milo317 78
1360. Charlene 2.0.3 jeremyjaymes 78
1361. whitebox 1.5 sylviastuurman 78
1362. Orangi 1.1.7 vjanya 78
1363. Wortex Lite 1.1.2 Iceable 78
1364. Carrot Lite 1.5.2 MichalPawelczyk 78
1365. NuvioElement Orange 1.3 Payne92 78
1366. Pantheon 2.0.2 vivathemes 78
1367. Windsor Knot 1.2.1 stephencottontail 78
1368. Pixilate 1.0.1 stephencottontail 78
1369. sxss Droid 1.0.4 sxss 78
1370. Fitzgerald 1.0.4 cronicimartiene 78
1371. White Top Show 1.12 siddharthsingh91 78
1372. myBook 1.2 robertostrabelli 78
1373. Accessible OneTwo 0.2 tagawa 78
1374. Fanoe 1.4.3 Webdesign Florian Brinkmann 78
1375. Deshnok 1.1 devcorn 78
1376. Sidekick 1.0 automattic 78
1377. arwebstudio 2.5 obert 78
1378. Stripes and Blue 1.2 miyepages 78
1379. Annotum Sans 1.1.1 annotum 78
1380. Monster 1.2 automattic 78
1381. Twenty Thirteen 1.4 wordpressdotorg 77
1382. Spacious 1.2.3 ThemeGrill 77
1383. Zerif Lite 1.4.7 codeinwp 77
1384. Enigma 1.8.3 weblizar 77
1385. SinglePage 1.1.5 hoosoft 77
1386. Point 1.2.3 MyThemeShop 77
1387. Minamaze 1.1.4 thinkupthemes 77
1388. Sparkling 1.7.7 silkalns 77
1389. Make 1.4.9 thethemefoundry 77
1390. Klean 1.1 divjotsingh_440 77
1391. HappenStance 1.1.0 tomastoman 77
1392. Dazzling 1.4.3 silkalns 77
1393. A1 1.3.3 fasterthemes 77
1394. Sundance 1.1.3 automattic 77
1395. MesoColumn rkcorp 77
1396. Harmonic 1.0.6 automattic 77
1397. Tracks 1.33.1 BenSibley 77
1398. Fashionistas 1.3 athemes 77
1399. Catch Everest 2.1 catchthemes 77
1400. Interface 1.5 themehorse 77
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