Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Post page/Mobile - Page:32

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Mobile
1551. Ryu 1.4 automattic 77
1552. Business Card 1.3 alexitsios 77
1553. Enough 1.10 nobita 77
1554. BlogoLife 2.0.1 valeriutihai 77
1555. Sturd. 1.2 wpbox 77
1556. NewTek 1.6.0 gamerpotion 77
1557. zeeBizzCard 1.4 ThemeZee 77
1558. Start Point 1.2.2 77
1559. Superb Lite 1.0.3 IdeaBox Themes 77
1560. Directory 2.1 alexitsios 77
1561. Emphaino 1.2.3 SriniG 77
1562. Unique 0.3.0 greenshady 77
1563. Some Like it Neat 1.1.10 digisavvy 77
1564. thirteenmag 1.7.4 aarifhsn 77
1565. Pratt 1.3 timnicholson 77
1566. DarkElements 2.3 Guido07111975 77
1567. Mace 1.23 thehosts 77
1568. Gold 1.47 usharia 77
1569. gitsta 1.3.5 doecode 77
1570. Careta 1.0.87 mcunha98 77
1571. Live Wire 0.3 sami.keijonen 77
1572. zeeStyle 1.2 ThemeZee 77
1573. Appliance 1.25 applianceuk 77
1574. Simplicity Lite 1.6 d5creation 77
1575. NewPersonal 1.0.4 gamerpotion 77
1576. zeeMagazine 1.4.1 ThemeZee 77
1577. D-lite 1.2 weblizar 77
1578. WP News Stream 1.4.3 hostmarks 77
1579. Wrock Metro 1.9.5 sandy786 77
1580. Effect 1.2.3 sandy786 77
1581. Leaf 1.1.2 bradthomas127 77
1582. Elucidate 1.20 Chrisdc1 77
1583. Current 1.1 gpriday 77
1584. Cirrus 1.2.3 NimbusThemes 77
1585. Vision 1.2 burakkaptan 77
1586. Bandana 1.1.1 designorbital 77
1587. blogBox 4.0.3 kevinhaig 77
1588. Altitude Lite cyberchimps 77
1589. Museum 0.1.5 ryelle 77
1590. Liquorice 2.3 nudge 77
1591. Andrina Lite 2.5.9 77
1592. Simon WP Framework 2.2.3 Surfstang 77
1593. Reizend 1.0.1 prothemes 77
1594. Bootstrap Canvas WP 1.92 schon.garcia 77
1595. fGymm 1.3.7 tishonator 77
1596. quickstart 1.7 gabfire 77
1597. Techism 2.0.8 RajeebTheGreat 77
1598. Portal 1.0.5 gpriday 77
1599. JBST 1pxdeep 1.0.1 bassjobsen 77
1600. Undiscovered 1.0 themeshaker 77
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