Themes speed test results by Theme Author - Page:24

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
1151. San Kloud 1.0.7 kovshenin 91
1152. San Fran 1.0.3 kovshenin 87
1153. Minimal Georgia 1.4.4 kovshenin 91
1154. dkret3 4.7.1 kretzschmar 91
1155. Yarn 1.0.0 krishocker 89
1156. grainyflex 1.1.2 krstatzar 90
1157. WPstart 1.2.5 kruszepl 92
1158. BlueSky 1.0 ksfdjhfsd89723 93
1159. Baltimore Phototheme 1.4 ksfdjhfsd89723 92
1160. SimplicityBright 0.3 kstenqnen 95
1161. Polos 0.6.1 kucrut 93
1162. FlatBox 1.7.1 kujian 93
1163. Four years 2.3.0 kujian 91
1164. BizVektor Global Edition 1.1.0 kurudrive 89
1165. SlResponsive 1.2.7 kvasnyi 82
1166. Debut 1.7.3 kwight 91
1167. Straight Up 1.0.4 kwight 91
1168. Bwater 1.9.2 La Marciana 91
1169. Orange and Black 1.3 lantipsse 94
1170. Europe 0.8.7 LaSet 91
1171. Theme laTobi II 1.0.8 latobi 85
1172. Runo Lite 1.3.7 La_ri_za 91
1173. Planetemo 1.0.2 Lea17 94
1174. Vermillon LeBenLeBen 91
1175. Softly 1.4 Leecook 91
1176. The Scenery 0.93 85
1177. Ice Breaker 1.0.2 lelandf 95
1178. Leniy Radius 2.0.7 leniy 90
1179. Webbutveckling 1.2.5 leonl 91
1180. Webbdesign 1.1.2 leonl 82
1181. Scherzo 2.3 leonp 91
1182. Plain Fields 1.1.1 lessthanweb 95
1183. Tropicala 1.5 95
1184. JuicyRoo 1.2 letsgofeet 95
1185. A Kelleyroo Halloween 1.2 letsgofeet 95
1186. Red Evo Aphelion 1.0.4 libaizhuo 91
1187. Liberty 1.1 liberty50 93
1188. Chip Life 1.5 life.object 89
1189. Chip Zero 1.2 life.object 91
1190. SidebarsSuck 1.2 lifecheater 93
1191. Medicine 1.0.3 LizardThemes 74
1192. LizardBusiness 1.0.6 LizardThemes 84
1193. Frau 1.6.9 LizardThemes 83
1194. Pretty Parchment 0.95 lloyd.armbrust 93
1195. Untheme two-column 0.9 lloyd.armbrust 95
1196. Crafty 0.92 lloyd.armbrust 93
1197. The Next LVL .9.3 lnewball 85
1198. Native Loreena 83
1199. SimpCalar 2.6.3 loveruby1028 95
1200. Ruby the Diamond 1.4.4 loveruby1028 95
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