Themes speed test results by Theme Downloads - Page:26

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
1251. Damasking 2.0.6 elle_media 91
1252. MNML 1.3 iandstewart 90
1253. Color Palette 1.3.4 crondeau 91
1254. Diabolique Spring 1.1.3 Diabolique 77
1255. Translucent Fluidity 2 3.1 arwen54 95
1256. my zebra 2.0.6 mythemes 85
1257. Hellish Simplicity 1.6.3 ryanhellyer 90
1258. Corner 1.0.9 tommy351 90
1259. Exhibit 0.7 edge22 91
1260. BlueFantasy 1.3 hostease 88
1261. Cherry Dreams 0.3 Zarzamora 56
1262. AppleX 1.3 sifonica 89
1263. Avatar 1.0.3 tskk 78
1264. Fresh 1.0.1 AntonioWells 95
1265. AmberGreen 1.08 Factory42 93
1266. CW Magazine 1.1.5 codeinwp 87
1267. m1 1.1.2 scottopolis 91
1268. ItalicSmile ;) 1.2 creativeslice 89
1269. Freelancer 0.1 edge22 91
1270. Eureka 1.0 garinungkadol 91
1271. Color Splash 1.3.2 mladenmilinovic 83
1272. Screens 1.0.2 tommek 90
1273. Jet 1.1.1 safitech 93
1274. Blocomo 1.3 cberg 91
1275. JaS Personal Publisher 2 tenetcommunity 95
1276. Pretty Parchment 0.95 lloyd.armbrust 93
1277. Metro CreativeX 1.2.7 codeinwp 91
1278. Cubby 1.1.0 magictheme 89
1279. Hephaestus 1.4.8 alexitsios 89
1280. Ani World 1.0.1 bushman8 93
1281. theRunningStone 0.3.3 mitchobrian 90
1282. Jolene 1.0.7 cats_456 86
1283. martable 0.4 niftythemes 91
1284. Drop 1.19 BenSibley 92
1285. Artistic 1.1 diamondsdesigners 94
1286. Cloudy Night 1.7 timsainb 93
1287. Blue Server 1.0 swalian 91
1288. Kirumo 0.3 johnregan3 85
1289. Evening Sun 1.1.1 spectacula 91
1290. Alkane 0.1 wpalkane 89
1291. Orangelight 1.0.3 Merlyn08 95
1292. in-berlin 0.8 brondo 95
1293. Awakening 2.0.3 pavans 86
1294. Syn 1.0.2 tskk 87
1295. Dine With Me 1.0.7 dodo 88
1296. Auto Dezmembrari 1.2.8 costiasi 88
1297. Athenea 1.2.3 ibermega 86
1298. Purity Of Soul 1.9 iznyn 95
1299. Able 1.2 automattic 91
1300. Responsive Mobile 0.0.5 cyberchimps 91
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