Themes speed test results by Theme Title - Page:19

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
901. GlossyRed 1.0.3 Revolution-Themes 90
902. Glowing Amber 2.2 PyroCode 95
903. Goa 1.0.1 tskk 87
904. Gold 1.47 usharia 88
905. Golden Eagle Lite 1.7 PankajAgarwal 85
906. Gommero 1.2.0 PankajAgarwal 88
907. Gone fishing 2.0 mirkohumbert 96
908. GoodTheme Lead 1.0.4 GoodTheme 89
909. GovPress 1.4.0 govfresh 89
910. Graffitti Wall 1.2 alolve 95
911. Grain Abhinav Penmetsa 89
912. grainyflex 1.1.2 krstatzar 90
913. Graphene silverks 85
914. Graphy 1.1.1 utsumit 89
915. Grassland 2.0.0 spectacula 90
916. Gravel 1.6 noonnoo 93
917. Graveyard Shift 0.2 semlabs 93
918. Gravit 1.6 Gravitas 89
919. Gray - Base Plate 2.3.7 Michael Pollind 91
920. Gray and Square 1.0.1 dhoppe 90
921. Gray Chalk 2.0 BusyMomiBee 88
922. Gray Modern 1.2 88
923. Gray Whale 1.0.2 basilosaur_us 91
924. Gray White Black 1.2 getstylese 95
925. Grayscales 1.3 bhadaway 95
926. Greek Restaurant 2.0 alexitsios 91
927. Green Apples 4.4 RoseCitySister 91
928. GREEN EYE 1.3.4 d5creation 87
929. Green Garden 1.5 bestwebsoft 50
930. Green Hope 1.2.7 sunsivan 94
931. Green One 1.1 Prywatne 93
932. Green Theme 1.0 Solberg 95
933. Green Trilobita 1.1 trilobita 93
934. Green-Lantern 1.3.5 weblizar 80
935. Greenie 2.9 koordinante 95
936. Greenigma 1.4 weblizar 90
937. GreenLeaf 1.62 freethemeforwp 89
938. GreenPage 1.0.2 molefed 87
939. Greenr 1.0.5 webulous 91
940. GreenTweet_Extend 2.5 john_wdl 89
941. GreyMonger Theme iskolares 93
942. Greyzed 1.0.4 The Forge 91
943. GridBulletin 2.2 Guido07111975 91
944. Griddy 0.5 89
945. Gridster-Lite themefurnace 89
946. Gridz 1.0.5 nischalmaniar 91
947. Griffin 1.0.9 wpmultiverse 91
948. Grisaille 1.5.1 nudge 90
949. Groucho 3.17.3 milo317 93
950. Ground Floor 2.3.2 cais 83
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