Themes speed test results by Theme Title - Page:37

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
1801. Reviewgine Affiliate 1.2 codeinwp 61
1802. Revised 1.0.3 ZGani 90
1803. Revolt Basic 1.05 nenadkatic 94
1804. Revolution Code Blue 2.0 bmg1227 92
1805. Rewind 1.0.5 vivathemes 91
1806. Rhyme 1.0.4 vpthemes 89
1807. Ridizain 1.0.35 ZGani 91
1808. ringbinder 1.3 LuigiLupo 93
1809. River of Silver 1.0.4 zwwooooo 95
1810. Road Fighter 1.2.8 90
1811. Rockers 2.4 obert 91
1812. Roda 1.03 vladff 89
1813. Rolas Sepuluh 1.5 sadewo 93
1814. Romangie 1.1.1 tobscore 86
1815. Rostar 1.4 Dannci 91
1816. Roughdrive 0.1.3 hgschmidt 95
1817. Rounded Blue 1.2 probabilityzero 95
1818. RoundTable 1.0.2 TomasM 89
1819. rtPanel 4.1.5 rtcamp 89
1820. Rubine Lite 1.0.7 ThemeZee 85
1821. RubiX 1.05 KICKERMAN360 80
1822. Ruby the Diamond 1.4.4 loveruby1028 95
1823. Rugged 1.1 miyepages 90
1824. Rundown 1.7.4 kharisblank 88
1825. Runo Lite 1.3.7 La_ri_za 91
1826. Rustic 2.1.6 Patrick Bagby 91
1827. Ryu 1.4 automattic 89
1828. SafiTech 1.7 safitech 92
1829. Saga 1.0.2 greenshady 89
1830. Sagan 1.9 cardiganmedia 89
1831. Sahagin 0.1.1 trsenna 89
1832. Sail Away 1.3 oh.amanda 92
1833. Sakura 1.5 area381 88
1834. SaleJunction 1.0.8 88
1835. San Fran 1.0.3 kovshenin 87
1836. San Francisco 1.0.10 Nu Studio 91
1837. San Kloud 1.0.7 kovshenin 91
1838. SANCHARI 1.4 arnabkumar 86
1839. Sandbox 1.6.1 91
1840. Sandfish 1.1.1 dhoppe 88
1841. Sans-serif 0.1.2 sumothemes 87
1842. Sark Press 2.3 mycholan 90
1843. Sassy Starter 1.2 missybunnie 95
1844. Satu 2.3 satrya 89
1845. Scherzo 2.3 leonp 91
1846. School 1.4.3 alexitsios 88
1847. Scrappy 1.4.1 sixhours 88
1848. Screens 1.0.2 tommek 90
1849. screwdriver 1.7 deuced 95
1850. Scylla lite 1.8.3 tislam100 90
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