Themes speed test results by Theme Title - Page:38

# Theme Title Version Author Post page/Desktop
1851. Sea Cruise 1.2 primestrategy 92
1852. Searchlight 1.6 d5creation 87
1853. Seasons Theme (Autumn) JCam 95
1854. SeaSun 1.1.6 tomastoman 91
1855. seawater 3.2 johnkain 95
1856. Secluded 2.0 seismicthemes 91
1857. Seismic Manhattan 0.7 seismicthemes 93
1858. Seismic Slate 2.1 seismicthemes 91
1859. Sela 1.0.1 automattic 89
1860. Selalu Ceria 0.0.50 indaam 91
1861. Selfie 1.2.3 d5creation 87
1862. Seller rohitink 86
1863. Semicolon 0.9 kovshenin 89
1864. Semper Fi Lite 3.3 Schwarttzy 82
1865. Semplicemente 1.5 CrestaProject 91
1866. SemPress 1.4.5 pfefferle 94
1867. Semprul 1.3 Semprul 91
1868. Sense 1.0.3 scui2 89
1869. Sensilla 1.1 csthemes 91
1870. Sensitive 1.2.6 codename065 85
1871. SEO Basics 1.1.2 SEO Design Solutions 93
1872. Sepfyre 1.0.1 tskk 88
1873. Sepia 1.0.0 arnoldg 95
1874. Sequel 1.0.4 ZGani 91
1875. Sequential 1.0.2 automattic 86
1876. Serena 1.5.1 kangabell 91
1877. Serene 1.3 elegantthemes 88
1878. Serious Blogger 1.4 jayhafling 94
1879. seventy 1.0 osmansorkar 95
1880. Shaan 1.1.8 pritamhans 89
1881. Shades 2.3 cais 95
1882. Shades of Blue 1.1 studiopress 94
1883. Shades of Gray 1.4.2 w3wizard 95
1884. ShadowBox 1.5.4 marpa 90
1885. Shamatha 1.0.8 trecoolz 91
1886. Shell Lite 1.7.0 nofearinc 91
1887. Shelter 2.0.3 cais 81
1888. Shine 1.6.6 Optimization 91
1889. ShinRa of the Sun 1.3 ShinRa House 95
1890. Shipyard 2.9 Guido07111975 91
1891. Shiro 1.1.3 pixxels 96
1892. Shiword 4.03 tbcrew 89
1893. Shizzo 4.1.0 orahmax 90
1894. Shocking 1.0.2 jbbrwcky 91
1895. Shop 1.02 designpromote 90
1896. Shop Front 1.1.4 sumobi 91
1897. Shopping 0.2.0 themehall 91
1898. Shorty 0.4 79
1899. Shprink One 2.4.1 shprink 88
1900. Side Out 0.7 92
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