Fastest Wordpress themes tested for Home page/Desktop - Page:37

# Theme Title Version Author Home page/Desktop
1801. Kasa 1.2 stefan002377 90
1802. Karo Light 1.0.4 kopatheme 90
1803. PR Pin 1.5 allis741 90
1804. Pho 1.0 slobodanmanic 90
1805. Bota 1.9 danstriker 90
1806. _tk 1.1.6 svenl77 90
1807. zeeBusiness 1.4 ThemeZee 90
1808. Ari 1.1.2 elmastudio 90
1809. Careta 1.0.87 mcunha98 90
1810. Simple Style 1.1.12 max2501 90
1811. Simplicity Lite 1.6 d5creation 90
1812. tdMacro 1.0.4 taskotr 90
1813. NewPersonal 1.0.4 gamerpotion 90
1814. Simple and Clean 1.0.4 organizedthemes 90
1815. Lobster 1.9.6 ruphel 90
1816. Isola 1.0.3 automattic 90
1817. Sketchpad 1.8 bestwebsoft 90
1818. Spot 1.3 timnicholson 90
1819. Vortex 0.2 WPVortex 90
1820. blogBox 4.0.3 kevinhaig 90
1821. Snowblind 2.0.2 tinkerpriest 90
1822. Hybrid 1.2 greenshady 90
1823. Dine With Me 1.0.7 dodo 90
1824. Simon WP Framework 2.2.3 Surfstang 90
1825. Forestly 1.2.7 fosforito 90
1826. rtPanel 4.1.5 rtcamp 90
1827. Mog 1.1.10 hdra 90
1828. Origami Paper 1.0.1 gpriday 90
1829. BizFlare 1.0.14 tskk 90
1830. ExpressCurate 1.1.9 expresscurate 90
1831. BizSphere 1.0.13 tskk 90
1832. Wind 1.1.5 scui2 90
1833. Adaption 1.0.4 automattic 90
1834. Zinnia 14.06.02 swpthemes 90
1835. Flint 1.3.3 starverte 90
1836. Lugada 1.4 spicap 90
1837. WP FlatThirteen 1.5 basantakumar 90
1838. Bizantine tskk 90
1839. Alpha Forte 1.0.2 Alpha WP Themes 90
1840. Almasi 1.0.2 ZGani 90
1841. Boozurk 3.00 tbcrew 90
1842. GREEN EYE 1.3.4 d5creation 90
1843. Omaha 1.0.7 tytus-tytus 90
1844. White Paper 1.3.2 JustPX 90
1845. Inkblot 4.2 mgsisk 90
1846. Nouveau Riche 1.3.3 Fortisthemes 90
1847. Copper 1.0.3 hoosoft 90
1848. WPFolio 1.75.2 patrickcarey 90
1849. Pictorial 1.0.5 ZGani 90
1850. Simple Portal 3.1 mossyoak 90
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